Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /var/www/web/bezzera/www/pages/public/azienda.php on line 28

Notice: Undefined variable: lista_immagini in /var/www/web/bezzera/www/pages/public/gui/azienda.php on line 12

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/web/bezzera/www/pages/public/gui/azienda.php on line 12
-=- ALERT: errore nel setCurrentBlock(). -=-
string(42) "Cannot find block 'lista_gallery_img_loop'"

The Company

The company is characterized by a modern production facility and 70 employees, where the components and finished products are designed and manufactured onsite, through the use of state of the art continuous cycle robots and modern numerical control machinery.

Bezzera produces professional and semi-professional espresso coffee machines, exporting its products to approximately 50 countries around the world thanks to a carefully selected network of resellers.

The quality of Bezzera machines has always been the prime objective of the Research & Development Department, which collaborates with the technical services provided by its resellers for continuous improvement of the products, periodically implementing technical updates and training on the culture of espresso coffee.